Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

Data Kapal Keluar Masuk Bulan April 2009 di PPN Pekalongan

Tabel Kapal Keluar Masuk

Grafik Kapal Keluar Masuk

Berdasarkan Tabel dan Grafik di atas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa :

  1. Jumlah kapal keluar dan masuk di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Pekalongan pada periode bulan April 2009 adalah sebanyak 241 kapal masuk dan 155 kapal yang keluar.

  2. Kapal perikanan dengan alat tangkap purse seine dibandingkan dengan alat tangkap lain masih mendominasi jumlah kapal yang berpangkalan di PPN Pekalogan.

    • Kapal purse seine yang masuk sebanyak 209 kapal (86,72 %) dan kapal keluar 126 kapal (81,29 %).

    • Kapal cantrang, masuk 0 kapal dan keluar 0 kapal.

    • Kapal Bubu, masuk 0 kapal dan keluar 0 kapal.

    • Kapal gill net atau jaring insang masuk sebanyak 28 kapal (11,62%) dan keluar 27 kapal (17,42 %).

    • Kapal angkut yang masuk sebanyak 3 kapal (1,24%) dan yang keluar 2 kapal (1,29 %).

    • Kapal dengan pancing cumi atau squid jigging masuk sebanyak 0 kapal dan keluar 0 kapal.

    • Kapal Long Line, masuk 1 kapal (0,41%) dan keluar 0 kapal.

  3. Komposisi rata-rata ABK kapal perikanan yang berpangkalan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Pekalongan adalah sebagai berikut :

    • Long liner rata-rata ABK sebanyak 15 orang.

    • Purse seine pelagis besar sebanyak 45 orang, Purse seine pelagis kecil 35 s/d 40 orang dan purse seine mini 20 orang.

    • Gill net sebanyak rata-rata 15 orang.

    • Kapal angkut rata-rata membawa 15 orang ABK.

  4. Jenis ikan yang dominan untuk kapal purse seine adalah ikan layang, banyar dan lemuru, dan tembang dan tongkol.

Kamis, 05 Maret 2009

Personil Satker PSDKP Pekalongan

Nama / NIP
Pangkat /


Sutarno, SH.

NIP. 19590910 198303 1 007

Penata -  IV/a
PNS (Kepala Satker)


M. Suharyono K.M

NIP.  19590819 198201 1 001

Penata Tk. I / III d




NIP. 19690731 200701 1 001

Pengatur - II/c




NIP. 19820504 200312 1 007

Pengatur - II/c



Moh. Shoim Agus Triono P, S.T

NIP. 19790814 200604 1 004

Penata / III c



Arif Hermawan, SP

NIP. 19741229 200212 1 001

Penata TK.I - IIId

PNS (Kordinator POS Wonokerto)


Arief Dwi Kurniawan, S. Kom


Tenaga Kontrak


Radius Dwi Suseno, SE


Tenaga Kontrak


Teguh Hariadi, A.Md


Tenaga Kontrak


Ali Usman


Tenaga Kontrak


Yoyok Tabah Prasetyo


Tenaga Kontrak

Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

Garis Pantai Indonesia Terpanjang Keempat di Dunia

Indonesia memiliki garis pantai terpanjang keempat di dunia dengan panjang mencapai lebih dari 95.181 kilometer (km).

"Ada koreksi ternyata, ternyata panjang garis pantai kita 95.181 km," kata Sekretaris Dewan Kelautan Indonesia, Rizald Max Rompas, pada workshop "Persepsi Politisi Terhadap Bidang Kelautan Sebagai Mainstream Pembangunan Nasional" di Jakarta, Selasa (24/2).

Seperti yang diberitakan Antara, Rompas menegaskan bahwa koreksi panjang garis pantai Indonesia dari 81.000 km menjadi 95.181 km ini telah diumumkan PBB pada 2008 lalu. Dengan koreksi yang dilakukan PBB tersebut kini Indonesia justru berada di posisi keempat setelah Rusia. Sedangkan negara pemilik garis pantai terpanjang diduduki Amerika Serikat (AS) dan diikuti Kanada. Sebelumnya Kanada menduduki urutan pertama dengan panjang garis pantai 243.792 km dengan 52.455 pulau.

"Sementara Indonesia sekarang ini bukan memiliki lebih dari 17.500 pulau tetapi kurang lebih ada 17.480 pulau,".

Sebagai negara kepulauan terbesar dengan luas lautan tiga per empat dari luas daratan, dan bertambah panjangnya garis pantai tersebut melalui penelitian disebutkan sektor kelautan mampu menyumbang 140 miliar dolar AS per tahun.

"Jumlah itu belum termasuk sumbangan sektor kelautan dari dasar laut yakni potensi migas".

copy from : www.dkp.go.id
pengirim : Mukhtar, A.Pi, M.Si (Ka. Satker PSDKP Kendari)

Senin, 02 Maret 2009

Rambu-Rambu Usulan Rencana Kerja

Sesuai dengan penyusunan rencana kerja Ditjen P2SDKP Tahun 2010 Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan, usulan kegiatan UPT Pengawasan SDKP dan Satker Pengawasan di Pelabuhan Perikanan mengacu pada rambu-rambu sebagai berikut:

1. Usulan kegiatan berdasarkan pada prioritas kegiatan, antara lain:
  • Pembayaran gaji dan operasional perkantoran
  • Pengembangan perencanaan teknis, pembinaan SDM dan kelembagaan pengawasan
  • Peningkatan pengawasan dan pengendalian sumberdaya perikanan
  • Peningkatan pengawasan dan pengendalian sumberdaya kelautan
  • Pengawasan Sistem Pengawasan Berbasis Masyarakat (SISWASMAS)
  • Peningkatan sarana dan prasarana pengawasan
  • Peningkatan penataan dan penegakan hukum
  • Koordinasi lintas sektor

2. Kegiatan di UPT Pengawasan SDKP telah mengakomodir kegiatan di Satker Pengawasan SDKP sesuai dengan wilayah kerjanya.

Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

MCS Implementing Unit a Challenge For Better Future

By : Didik Ristanto

Chief Surveillance Officer

Pekalongan Surveillance Unit

Fisheries plays an important and strategic role in the development of the national economy, particularly to increase and expand the employment opportunities, distribution of income, and promoting living standard of the nations in general, small scale fishermen, and those involved in commercial fisheries. While at the same time preserving the environment, sustainability and availability of fisheries resources.

The unfortunate poor governance in most developing countries had made to various extend a worrying decline in terms of marine fishery resources. Although some countries like Indonesia had begun to manage its fiheries by presumably better acts, measures and enforcement, but still many complex problems lying in front. Since the birth of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Department of The Republic of Indonesia (MMAF) by the begining of millennium, as single management authority with strong commitment to ensure welfare of not merely fisheries-dependent communities but for nation welfare as well. In dealing with government responsibilities and the socio-economic concerns of fishers who abide by management and conservation measures, The ministry of Marine affairs and Fisheries in this case wanting to promote the livelihood of fishers by its policy of ; pro-job, pro-poor and pro-growth.

Nonetheless managing the fisheries with a complex nature is remarkably a hard tasks, especially by infant institution, less personel and facilities. But it is a cost shall be paid to assure that all fisheries resource user shall comply the laws for future sustainability. Since the formation of MMAF consequently there must be a component to carry out in terms of enforcement and compliance, so this task has been trusted to the Directorate General of Surveillance and Control of Marine Resources and Fisheries. This is to meet the policy of surveillance and controlling fisheries and marine resources to achieve sustainable and responsible fisheries.

The Surveillance Units

Surveillance Units as arms of the Directorate General has been formed by ministrial decree in almost throughout the country where fishing activities take place following the mandate stated at the Act, number 31 of 2004 concerning Fisheries. In case of this article the Pekalongan Surveillance Unit situated in north coast of Java Sea represents similar task force units especially in the coastal area in Java, not to mention some natures that make it different.

In accordance with FAO-CCRF, MCS system is also being used to form legal and technical basis to control fishing activities being elaborated in Standard Operational Procedures of Fishing vessels controlling, and every Surveillance personel of Pekalongan Fishing Port Surveillance Unit goes by the Procedures. The surveillance regime implemented at the Unit is adjusted following the nature of fishing operation, spread of fishing ground and more importantly the prevallence of violation commited by fishing vessels. In conducting its duty every Surveillance unit hold a motto ; “ Surveillance shall begin at the port and ending at the port “. It means that port based MCS thought to be most effective to control fishing activities.

The unique nature of Pekalongan Fishing Port is characterized by plenty of labor fishermen coming from surrounding districts flooded the municipal city, some of them are skilled labor often recruited as skipper or fishing master, but most of them are ordinary nonfisher labor relying on their power only chasing for livelihood. Moreover, ongoing relation between labour fishermen and fishing fleet owner is also unique, there is no such like a contract with salary basis between both sides otherwise they sharing the catches by portion and the role of each, they trust each other just like the elders done.

Almost 70 percent fishing vessels at the Pekalongan Fishing Port dominated by purse seiners up to 100 GT, 26 percent are gillnetters and the others are long liner, only some being operated as fish carrier. The Fishing fleet based at Pekalongan Fishing Port mostly major purse seiners are well known for being most spread fishing operation, they roam from the west coast of Sumatera to the south waters of Papua. Some reports portrayed that in certain fishing zone they collided with other traditional gear user and ending in a conflicts. Hence, it is also the reason for each Surveillance Unit to make a tough and better surveillance of the fishing fleet listed at their data base.

MCS instruments

In the Pekalongan Surveillance Unit, the MCS instruments being implemented to carry out port based surveillance and controlling are legally based on the provisions of Fisheries Act, 31 of 2004, and some decrees of Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, those described as follows :

The prominent instrument is the Operation Legal Letter know as SLO, this document issued by Fisheries Inspector after fishing vessel being inspected. Vessels inspections comprises of ; Fishing licence, Fishing vessel phisical inspection, Fishing gear and supporting gears, Fishes catched or being carried, Fishing ground, by documents verification and VMS tracking analysis, Compliance of fishing base, Crew list. The result of inspection on board stated at an inspection letter signed by the Captain and Fisheries Inspector prior to the issuance of the SLO. In facts this instrument reflecting compliance level of fishing vessels based in Pekalongan Fishing Port.

Other interesting instrument is the role of fishing community being involved in the Surveillance system. The Unit has facilitated and invited periodically some 10 group of community based surveillance known as POKMASWAS to share information concerning their experiences during the lifetime they go fishing. It is noteworthy that most group members are experienced fishermen, they report any violations and illegal fishing activities they encounter to Surveillance Unit Office to be followed up.

Another exeptional instrument is Vessel monitoring system or VMS which is relied on technology. Every fishing vessel has is obliged to install VMS on board as a condition being required for fishing permit application and SLO from Fisheries Surveillance Unit. Futhermore, the activation of its transmitter can be monitored to determine compliance level by tracking analisys, any violators should be warned by notification and suspending their documents.

Enforcement to deter violators and outlaws also being given to qualified Fisheries Investigation Officers at the Surveillance Unit. The reports submitted by Fisheries inspector will be followed by investigation. After valid evidence and witness the result of investigation finally sent to the Prosecuting Attorney.

Sad and happy story

Bearing responsibility to guard fisheries resources for future sustainabilty to every personel of Surveillance Unit is a dignity. Although at the begining many challenges, resistent and even intimidation posed from those who persist to comply, but that is the risk should be taken for granted. All fisheries inspetor in the Unit vowed to always patiently extend awareness to any fishermen and resoursce user to keep their harvesting behaviour in resposible manner. The happy strory is when we now could see many fishing vessels comply to report the catches, more than 90 percent purse seiners have VMS on board, and fishermen set sail to fishing ground securely. At last they face the chalenges for better future of course hopefully for their offspring as well.

Small scale purse seiner, more effective gears.

A bigger purse seiners landing their catch at Pekalongan Fishing Port

Pattern of VMS tracking being analize by fisheries inspector

Contact Satker PSDKP Pekalongan

Alamat Kantor :

Kawasan Industri Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Pekalongan,
Jln. Sekuning No. 2 Krapyak Lor, Pekalongan 51149 - Jawa Tengah





Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

Visi dan Misi Ditjen PSDKP

Visi Direktorat Jenderal PSDKP:

“ Mewujudkan pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan secara tertib dan bertangggung jawab”
Misi Direktorat Jenderal PSDKP:
  1. Meningkatkan kualitas pengawasan secara sistematis dan terintegrasi agar pengelolaan SDKP berlangsung secara tertib.
  2. Meningkatkan apresiasi dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam melakukan pengawasan SDKP.